
A llitle about us.

Public data

Full name
Arceres, razvojne storitve, d.o.o.
Short name
Arceres d.o.o.

District court of Kranj (Slovenia, EU),
Date of reg.: Sep. 3rd, 2007,
Reg. serial: 10889500

Company ID 2322609000
Tax ID
SI 24416851
Bank account IBAN SI56 0206 8025 6706 654 (NLB d.d.)


Tehnology that eases the day


The company was established in 2007.

Some of our more noticable clients are listed below. Let's just say that the projects we were involved in, were of various types, scale and environments: from working on client's location within its local information system to international team distributed in several time zones working with cloud based information system.


Talend Silver Partner Logo

Talend is a company providing excellent data processing tools (software) for massive data manipulation. These tools we use whenever the project requires.

Agencija Poti Logo

Agencija Poti is a fine educational agency with which we cooperate on regular basis.

Some clients

Metrel Logo ProPlus Logo Proxio Inc. Logo CONNET d.o.o. RLS d.o.o. ArtOpen logo